Crime preventive Effect of Anti-Corruption-Programmes (II)
Entering developing markets, companies are challenged by various cultures and widespread corruption. This cross-cultural survey explored the crime preventive effects of corporate cultures and compliance management systems (CMS) in China, India, Russia and Germany. Almost 2,000 managers anonymously reported about the compliance programs in place and cultures in their companies as well as on their experience with corruption at work and in everyday life.
Despite differences across countries, results suggest that the elements of an integrity-promoting corporate culture are similarly important in their corruption preventive effects.
The second major result is that a CMS can develop its effectiveness only when combined with an appropriately practiced integrity-promoting company culture.
Third, companies can counteract the negative external influences of a corruption-prone national culture.
Fourth, spill-over effects of an integrity-promoting company culture can make an important contribution to national cultural change. For this reason, an integrity-promoting corporate culture is a contribution to corporate social responsibility.
Wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterInnen
Sebastian Oelrich, M.Sc. LL.M.oec.
Andreas Schroth, Dipl-Soz.
Ass. iur. Nicole Selzer
Wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte
Miguel Veljovic
Franz Goerts
Anne-Sophie Langner
Saskia Schneider
Ehemalige wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterInnen
Dr. Sven Grüner
Arne Boldt, M.A.
2020: Bussmann, Kai-D./ Oelrich, Sebastian/ Schroth, Andreas/ Selzer, Nicole, The internal and external crime preventive effects of compliance management systems and corporate culture, Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, Berlin (voraussichtlich Winter 2020)
2018: Bussmann, Kai-D./ Selzer, Nicole/ Grüner, Sven, Kriminalpräventive Wirkung von Anti-Korruptionsprogrammen - Deutsche Großunternehmen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Landes- und Unternehmenskultur. K. Boers & M. Schaerff (Ed.), Kriminologische Welt in Bewegung, Neue Kriminologische Schriftenreihe der Kriminologischen Gesellschaft e.V.; Band 117, S. 243-254.
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